Saturday, August 27, 2011

Psychedelic Posters, Push Pin Studio & Milton Glaser documentary

The idea that really stuck with me from the documentary we watched in class was to think about how my designs could act as a service to the world around me. Look for problems where I can offer a design solution. (examples: color coding prescriptions, store layouts, I love NY)

A strategy I want to use from pyschedelic posters is to not worry about obliterating the legibility of type if it will further the design. To push the creative, take it as far as I want or it can go. If it's for a poster - can include the information in legible type at the bottom. Don't worry about mixing historical references that don't fit together. Break the rules.

From the Push Pin Studio... what obsolete style could I use in a new way? When I've played around with that style, move onto the next.